
81 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Wow! Well done! I loved those drums! Finally someone who knows how to use them properly, I was starting to think that Edgen was going to be the last epic drummer. But now I find a song that does the job. I loved the flute thingo at around 1:15, you should have carried it a bit longer. I just have one or two complaints, the strings needed to be a touch longer and stronger sounding I think, as if someone was pulling them from their heart, if you know what I mean. Great song nevertheless.

MaestroRage responds:

I don't use the drums like this as much as I should anymore to be honest. Edgen was indeed an epic drummer, his very existence leaked of epic.

There are quite a few things I would do with the song now should I have had the chance to modify it. Sadly i've wiped out the old VST's that I used to create the song so even should I have opened it now, I doubt i'd be able to do anything with it. The strings at the time were somewhat lacking in variety and I did with what I had.

I agree with you however, whole heartadly.

Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it!

Good job.

Now that I'm in the mood to write reviews I thought I'd write one. Jolly good job ol' chap. I really liked it. The timing was perfect and although a bit more 'pull' on those strings would really have pulled my heart its good all the same. Pity it was so short...

SilentTakedown responds:

With the "pull" you mean shorter attack, eh?
I don't know, but I just don't want to change the attack.
I'm mostly composing music for RPGs and the songs wouldn't hear someone, who is entering the titelscreen and switching quick to the char select screen.
This one is for a MMORPG.

Thanks for your review, lets see, if I can change the attack. :D


As 200monkeys said, it's missing feeling, you need longer more drawn out notes, and more depth, a solo with a clear strong instrument that really holds the feelings of what you are trying to convey does the job. This is just a little too carefree.

MusicalRocky responds:

yeah this song was like commissioned basically by Dunlavy (see first review). he said it was perfect, so it's how he wanted it.



Not bad.

Not Bad, definitely not bad. You have very capable software. But I found this song a little impersonal. It was very majestic but there wasn't enough feeling it to make me imagine anything. Can you try adding real emotions to your songs, anger, fear, hatred, love, sadness, things that touch the human heart. That's how you succeed really.

MusicalRocky responds:

Wow man. You're talking to me like I'm some advanced robot who writes music, and you're some scientist trying to teach me about how human emotions are utilized in composition. I KNOW how to write music. I know how to use emotion. This song has plenty of emotion for what it's supposed to be--THE BATTLE INSIDE THE CASTLE. That's right. Not "The death inside the castle" or "The Rememberance inside the castle." It's a battle. It's supposed to be battly. There's battle-like emotions in it. If you want more emotional music listen to my emotional songs. End of story. I don't care if you think I'm being rude. The tone you took and the directness with which you accused me of lacking emotion in my music was cruel.

Have a nice day.

Hmmm interesting...

hmmm very interesting... very intersting .... as a listener in the classical portal for years now I have to say that you sound like a begginning great, if you try hard enough maybe you might be able to match music with Winterwind... just maybe. Anyway to the song. Very good, just a few things:
The sound quality could have been better, perhaps a bit more spark to it, sounds too flat.
The song needs drums. Drums, when done well can carry the song and make it so much better.
some of the solo's were a bit long I think, mostly because they themselves didn't mostly carry the essence of the song, which is a must when soloing.
Apart from those things great job. I enjoyed it.

MusicalRocky responds:

I appreciate you're trying to maybe give me some encouragement or whatever. But do you know how demeaning it is to be compared to another artist--"almost as good as so-and-so" or "if you try you can reach so-and-so's level." That's not cool at all.
Personally I think I already am as good as Winter. This concerto is as good as anything he's written in my opinion, and I'm sure he would agree with me. Now of course you disagree. You think Winter is far better. Why? He and I have different styles, it's as simple as that. You like Winter's style better than mine, so you like his music better, even though his and my music are equal in quality.

But all that aside.

I've already been told the sound quality could be better; it's getting a bit redundant. I'm fully aware Edirol isn't close to the sound a real orchestra has. I don't know what you mean by it sounding flat though. I used panning and all sorts of volume to help bring out the mastering of a real orchestra.

Drums?! I really don't know why you think drums are needed. The melodies carry themselves fine. Drums carrying this song would be terrible I think. Even in "battle" songs, drums are not needed. Also, if you meant timpani, I might've put some in, but it was unnecessary in this movement; I used timpani in the 2nd and 3rd mvnts.

I assume by "solos" you're referring to the cadenza? Well the cadenza is suppoed to be long! As for having the song's essence, that doesn't matter at all. Cadenzas are merely for virtuosic purposes--"showing off" for the soloist. :)

But anywaysswyawyys, I'm glad you still found enjoyment, and don't think I just cast aside your advice, cause I didn't.

Thanks for reviewing,


Well done!

I remember saying once that you should do something more complex... well you've done that and succeeded beautifully! Very well done, I can't find anything wrong with it except for... where are the soaring strings! There aren't enough high pitched violins soaring above the fray and what about the deep deep thundering of certain types of drum, they aren't there either. For truly epic you need both. But apart from that I still give you ten out of ten for an excellent piece. Well done.

MaestroRage responds:

soaring strings were considered, but I simply could not tie them down to any specific aura. I was considering the red aura, but I wanted more angry and deep rage over epic and monstrous rage. If it were up to me Newgrounds would have 5 different shades of red auras instead of 5 different colored auras :D!

But thats just me.

The deep thundering drums could have been in there, no excuses on that part other then my ability to equalize wasn't good enough. Deep thumping drums would drown out the many other details of the song.

Thank you for the kind words and the review, i'm glda you liked it!

Quite good.

The piano was quite good, do I detect a little bit of Edgens 'Above'? This song could have improved a lot more if you had more background, the choir wasn't loud enough and the piano drowned everything out, if it was quieter and you had more louder backing it would have been so much better.

GodSpeedIam responds:

Honestly, EQ settings really determines what's loud and what isn't when you have frequencies that vary like this. In my headphones it sounds well mixed, but when I unplugged them and played it on my speakers, I did notice the piano was quite loud.

And I have no clue what Edgens 'Above' is.

Very good

I like it, especially the wolves, I can imagine someone walking into an abandoned shrine out of interest and the need for a safe haven for the night. Also they can hear the wolves coming closer, it seems this shrine holds more than what it originally showed to have...
AS to your music, its very good, but I find the sounds a bit repetitive, I've heard it before, you need to get more instruments and variation of sound files, make it more orchestra like... if you know what I mean. Listen to winterwind for reference. he has a very good range in his orchestrals.

MaestroRage responds:

I know what you mean, though I didn't quite want this piece to be that varied to be honest. I don't have any kind of orchestral training, until I learn how an orchestra fully works, I will probably have holes in my music. WinterWind has this training, and uses it well, though to be honest, I don't really want to produce the kind of tracks he does, and will veer off in my own direction when the time comes.

Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it! I apologize for the delayed response!

Not bad, fell a bit on the instruments though.

As Lacrioso has already done a superb job of advising you ill give you a few pointers for the future. If you can get a program that does good orchestrals, get it, fast. The main instrument was very good and clear but everything else was muddy and horrible sounding. if you use an orchestral backing make it similar to the main theme and in this case you would have wanted to make the strings create an immense and epic feeling of longing, using building chords and slow tempo, a long drawn out note getting louder would have been perfect.
Also weave the main instrument or tune in and out of the orchestral backing, a bit like weaving a basket if you get my meaning.
Next time put an orchestral backing or add at least 4 other intruments into it for more depth, if the flute or whatever it was had more strength at certain points (built up to a louder tone) and you made it have 'peaks' in sound whereby you held the note it would have strengthened the feeling wuite a bit.
All in all the tune was great but would have benefitted from a stronger feeling and more instruments. Keep up the good work your doing well, i can see a lot of talent for the future and look forward to hearing more of your songs.

ShadowLor responds:

Thankee muchly, I shall take into account what you've said ^_^

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