Great job! Unfortunately though, you did fall slightly short though, it's FL Studio, you can't get a good orchestration out of that. So I'll forgive you till you get a good orchestration program, then I want you to sit down and think really hard about a coupla things:
Firstly, this song needs LOTS of instruments, when I think of this piece I think of a 300 piece orchestra.
There was a big issue of clarity here, don't get me wrong, this is a definite improvement on the last one but it can do with some more improvements, clarity ones mainly, the strings are muddy and so are the rest of the orchestral bits, the flutes sing but that's it.
When you do this one again, and it's too brilliant not to, bring out the clarity more, you need the bass brass creating a sorta humming undertone and then the strings and higher brass soaring with the flutes. Create several separate melodies based on the real one and weave them in and out of the flute bit, remember to keep it light, light and airy, more so than this, I want to hear every indiviual instrument and the whole at once. This song needs complexity. Also, those strings really need to be louder and have more of a crescendo, they need to build till they are loud! Think, Morrowind buildup.
Drums, those drums suck, no offense, but they really sound bad, you need to use drums closer to tampani for this song, low deep long booms is what you want for this song, not that hollow thing. The beat's about right, it needs to flow more, have a bit more alternation on the beat strokes, at the current time it's all the same. Also that shoop drum sound, whatever it is, take it out! Crescendo the drum, punctuate each 4th beat etc if you have to, but take that out!
Oh yeah, one last thing, if you ever pick up a really good sounding choir, it would go brilliantly with this song. Whatever you do though, make sure it is good, the human voice is a beautiful thing, don't cheepen it. Hey LadyArsenic here does vocals!
Do not under any circumstances try to make the changes I've suggested with FL Studio, I've seen it, it isn't capable of the sophistication I've suggested. However, Miroslav Philharmik does do a good job of that.
You really did a great job improving the song, but me being me, I can't let a gem drop by and not comment on improvements, this is one of those, every time you do a redo, I'll probably check it out and suggest changes; however, if you get it perfect, =)...
Don't drop this project, wait till you have a good set of orchestrals and a good orchestration program then do a redo, it can still do with some major overhauls. Check out Liberi Lunerum if you want an example of weaving, that song's brilliant.